Chalk Box

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Fridge Space

A lovely boy named Mark sent me an email yesterday. It consisted of a questionnaire he'd written, designed to find out more about me. We've known each other for eight years, so to achieve that, the questions had to be a little, shall we say, eccentric.

Question number 7 was: "If I opened your fridge right now, what is the first thing I'd see, dead-centre on the top shelf?"

Or a little, shall we say, specific.

The answer, care ye at all, is: brie.


What will he learn about me, when I send back his completed questionnaire? He will learn, if nothing else, that I like semi posh cheese. Or, conversely, if he reads this he will learn that I am in fact so common, that I think brie qualifies as posh. When of course it's not nearly smelly enough.

Question 13 was: "On the shelf where you keep your dvds, count 4 in... now, what are the next four titles?"

This is what I have learned about him: He is a very shelf oriented person.

The answer by the way, fact fans is: Brokeback Mountain, Death in Venice, Queer as Folk and Top Gun.

Apparently it's my gay shelf.


  • Nice! Especially at the end. I laughed myself silly. Thank you!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:11 PM  

  • That's wonderful! Wouldn't mind a go at that quiz myself!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:48 PM  

  • LOL You're so funny!!
    Great post! :)

    J.c. mentioned the last part, but to me it was the cheese...

    By Blogger Devil Mood, at 3:48 PM  

  • Great post. "apparently it's my gay shelf" made me laugh out loud.

    By Blogger Chris, at 6:13 PM  

  • I have FOUR DVD shelves - which would I use? Hopefully I could refer to the shelf where all my impressive arthouse films are so that I could look real clever rather than, say, the shelf below where all my old Doctor Who discs are which would make me look like a sci-fi fanboy geek. Which I'm not. Really.

    (Hello, by the way. I happened to stumble over a comment you left at Zoetrope and I thought it was so wonderful to see such typically British collquialisms such as "cor blimey" and "toss one off" at such a Yank-centric site that I knew I had to hunt you down... I mean, seek you out. But not in a stalkery kind of way... Er, sorry, hello, bye.)

    By Blogger Steve Kane, at 1:56 AM  

  • Found you via SS, love your post, funny and yet simple. Will come back.

    By Blogger Beatriz Macias, at 2:19 AM  

  • Oh, very good. Of course, I'm also curious as to what the other questions were, now!

    By Blogger GreenishLady, at 4:15 AM  

  • Intriguing about those questions ... keep him guessing! Is there a new quiz where your fridge contents reveal your innermost ...??? Lovely post!

    By Blogger Cherie, at 5:35 AM  

  • Ha! I would post the whole questionnaire, but some of the questions are a little bit risque. Still, maybe that's a plus...

    By Blogger Laura Gomez, at 7:41 AM  

  • That was TOO funny! Thanks for the laughs. Great post!

    By Blogger Heather, at 12:44 PM  

  • Too funny! You just never know who's gonna ask what... A great read!

    By Blogger Tumblewords:, at 2:14 PM  

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